Well, I could tell they were really tired when they got home so I let them sleep and recuperate most of yesterday. They were at least nice enough to feed me when they got home Saturday. But last night, I thought I'd have a little fun with em.
Of course dad slept through the whole thing, but I sure got mum good. I kept gettin up on the dining table and the kitchen counters and knocking stuffs around. Making stuff clank together n all. And mum would come rushin down to sees if I's broken anyfin. Of course I wasn't mad enough to break any of it, I'm not that daft. Mum would skin me! (or at least lock me in a travel carrier again, cept she'd put me in anuver room so's me meowing wouldn't keep her and dad up) I finally gave that a rest cause I figured I could do it again in the mornin.
So that's what I been doin all day. Well, dad woke her up before I could so I's had to get her back loads of different ways. I been chasing her feet while she walks, trying to trip her. I been up on the counters and the table, making her chase me off. I been running around like mad after the hair band that I stole, jumpin in'n'out o' the laundry basket. Tried jumping in the wash machine but she swatted me off. And I been attacking her hands and arms and got my claw hooked nice and deep in the fleshy bits on one o' her fingers.
But now I fink its nap time and so's I will continue my payback later.
George has been a baaaaad boy!