Monday, 22 March 2010

I'm a Scaredy Cat

2nd Post in One Day! I'm feelin ambitious...

So's I'm a completely scaredy cat in two ways.

#1 - The Vacuum
Mum decided to vacuum upstairs and the stairs themselves. Of course as soon as she turns the bloody thing on, I freaked out! I'm pretty sure this giant black vrooming monster will suck me right up and I will be George no more. So's I run down the stairs, fru the livin' room and hide behind the wash machine until mum comes and rescues me... pathetic, I know.

#2- Outside
So's I been writing bout me escapades where I sneaks past mum or dad and bolt out the door, right? Well... mum decided it was a beautiful day and that I should go outside. I says to meself, "George, what's the catch?" It was a cat leash ! So's she puts it on and it feels all weird and of course, I don't budge. I'm a respectable Tom, I says, and won't do it! Well, she opens the backdoor and the fresh air gets the better of me. I steps onto the patio and starts sniffin away. But then I sees one of the dreaded giant pigeons land in a nearby tree and I hopes it doesn't carry me away and then some strange human comes runnin through the backyard on the pavement and the wind starts blowing hard and ITS JUST TOO MUCH FOR ME! I scrambled at the door and mum reads me mind and opens it to let me back in the house. It was just too scary- just couldn't handle it all.

So there- I am an official scaredy cat and will remain a house cat. I will have to content myself to sleepin all day and runnin through the house when I feels of bit o' wildness come over me.

PS for you American folks, pavement = sidewalk


  1. George is such a scoundrel! All bark and no bite. Wait, though, that would be a wussy dog. Love George's adventures and escapades though.

  2. This is great.

    As you know, we host a scaredy cat, too.

    We miss you terribly and think of you often.
    We'll just have to follow your adventures here.

    Be well.

    Bob & Sue Lynn
