No, not burgling a place and sneakin off with the resident cat...
I fink if I had to be a professional of somefing, it would be catnapping
I can sleep just about anywhere, anytime... or maybe that's a male fing 'cause me mum says me dad does the same fing...
I can sleeps on the dinner table, in a chair, on the floor, on the couch, in the bathtub or the sink, on the bed or under the bed, in me travel carrier. Me mum also likes to laugh at me when I sleep in funny poses like all curled up with me head upside down or on me back with all me paws open and me belly exposed for ticklin... grrr I hate when she walks by and sticks me in the belly with her toes.. but I always get me revenge on them wiggly bit when she falls asleep at night muahahahaa.. ahem, I mean, I'm a sweet li'l Tom who never holds a grudge.
More catnapping shall ensue
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