They scooped me up and plunked me in the tub and SOAKED me from tail to toe, while holdin me down against me will! Doesn't a cat get a say in any of this?? I says to me self.
Then they soaped me, TWICE, scrubbin me all over, including me unmentionables...
And then soaked me again! At this point I'm sure I looks like a drowned rat and they've been laughing at me own expense this whole time. So's I've given up by now cause I'm no match for dad and the waters pretty warm so at least I'm not freezin me parts off.
And as mum scoops me up in a towel, I watch the last bit of me dignity wash down the drain with the soap suds..
I can't imagine me evenin gettin any worse. Now I must bathe me self proper... and plot up some plan to get me revenge tonight when they goes to sleep...
Yeah, just wait until they have you 'fixed' when you're not even broken!!!! Then you will appreciate the indignity of a bath!