I am around 5 months old and was born and raised in England. I used to live in Mildenhall but now, I live in Brandon, just outside RAF Lakenheath. My parents talk funny, being from America and all. They said I will get to go back with them when my dad's done working over here. He's in the US Air Force. Me mum comes and goes all day, sometimes with bags o' goodies for me. I'm rather fond of her already. She plays with me all day and lets me snooze in her lap while she eats or drinks her tea. But I'm fond of me new dad too. He plays with me when he gets off a' work and lets me wrestle with him. In the morning when he gets ready for work, I help him shave and brush his teeth and tie his shoes. I'd like to go to work with him but he won't let me out the front door! So instead, I go and cuddle with me mum until she decides its time to get up. There I go, ramblin bout me parents again- more about me:
Things I like: me fishing pole with the green fish; chicken (thanks mum!); napping on mum's dining room chairs; runnin mad circles under mum and dad's bed in the wee hours of the mornin; chasin anything that moves like mum's feet on the stair, dad's feet under the covers, hair bands, paper towel rolls, the ceiling fan..
Things I don't like: when I catch the green fish and try to run, the li'l bugger pops out a' me mouth and goes back to mum or dad (i still can't figure that one out), when mum and dad move me from the middle of the bed to the floor...; bein woken up from me nap, being alone in a room (I meow til I find mum or dad); when the washing machine changes cycles..
MRRRRR-yawn.... I do believe its nap time.
Until next time!
Sounds like a cat with a cockney accent. Hope he learns to mind his P's and Q's. Mr. T could teach him a thing or two.