So I spent the night in me travel cage. And for the love of me, I don't know exactly why..
I was just minding me own business, investigating everything in the loo, knocking things off the counter and the windowsill, just to get a better look and make sure they were a-ok for me mum and dad to use. And mum comes in, plucks me up, tosses me into the hall, and puts everything back where I can't get a looksie. This means she wants to play right?? So when she crawled back in bed, I made up my mind I would give up my investigation and play with her. So I ran unduh the bed and attacked her paw that was hanging off the side. She starts saying my name and some strange sounds like "no" and "stop". So I keeps playing peekaboo in the dust ruffle and what'd'ya know? She chucks me back in the hall and closes the door! Cheeky, isn't she?
So I goes back to me original investigation and focus on the hard scrubby thing on a string on the soap holder in the bath. Of course it's no good me standing on me back legs all night, so I knocks it off. 'Tsme duty to make sure everything alright. So I knocked it around a li'l to show him 'oos boss and mum comes back in and grabs me again! At least this time she didn't lock me outta her room.
But I remembers I saw a dodgy hair band and some pins on the sink so I go back to check the li'l buggas out. I knocks em into the sink ( I mighta knocked into some stuff on the back of the loo gettin' to 'em) and I give the ol' 1,2 and mum comes in again, turns on the light over the sink, says my name and a few other words which di'n't sound too cheerful and out I went back in the hall! I watched her go back to bed, but I wasn't convinced of those pins yet. So I jumps back onto the sink and they're gone! I was right! So I jumps and grab the pull cord and the light comes back on and I land in the bath! Prrrrfect! Now I'm thinkin I can really get down to business. But I hear someone moving in the bedroom... and dad walks in. He chucks me in the hall and turns off the light and goes back to bed. At least it wasn't mum..
But I thought I would give those bottles on the window sill one last look over, and the scrubby thing while I'm at it so I jump back up, and start telling those bottle 'oos runnin the show, shovin' em around a bit, knocks a few off to really interrogate 'em and mum comes back in AGAIN! I'm finkin' my investigation isn't goin no where fast when she picks me up, carries me into her room, and puts me in me travel cage and then LOCKS THE DOOR! So I try to pick it with me claws but it just doesn't work!
What have I done to deserve being shut up in me travel cage? I's just trying to make sure all the scrubby and smell good things are safe for me new parents. You know, they do good by me, takin me in and all, and I do good by them, and investigate their bath stuffs.
Someone please tell me, what was my crime?!