Monday, 5 April 2010

Almost Free!

So's yesterday morning, after making breakfast, me dad left the kitchen window titled open. (For you Americans, the windows open differently: you can swing them open kinda like a door, or for those with sneaky little Toms like me self, you can tilt it in so's its open about 4 to 5 inches at the top.) And I sees me opportunity to escape! I jump on the kitchen counter, knockin' a few fings outta me way. And then....I spring!


I underestimated me jump and got lodged between the window and the frame with me back-end still inside and me front half danglin' out the dinow! I just yowled and me mum and dad came runnin' to free me. I was so ashamed- my one easy shot and I missed it! Mum lifted me up and cuddled and cooed at me, trying to sooth me poor achin' ribs though it was me pride she shoulda been soothin'. Of course, me dad shuts the window then and all hopes of escape were dashed.

One of these days, I'll get out..

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